When God placed man in Eden,
Amid the glories there, He gave him full dominion,
Put all beneath his care; No curse rests on the garden,
No sin nor pain was known, Death had not cursed creation,
Nor taught its lips to moan.
Then came the mighty tempter.
Up from his dread domain. To curse God's fair creation,
Give birth to sin and pain; The man yields to temptation,
And filled with treason's blight, He sells his vast possessions,
Then all is plunged in night.
Man's driven from the garden,
With no approach to God, Save through bleeding sacrifice,
Whose blood flows o'er the sod; For man is dead in spirit,
And Satan rules o'er him; Then thru this curst relation
Man's sorrows reach the brim.
When driven out of Eden,
By justice's awful rod, A promise then was given,
Of Christ — Incarnate God, Who'd break the rule of Satan,
The claims of justice pay, Restore the lost Creation,
Bring in Millennial Day.
Promise by E.W. Kenyon
great , loved it I never heard it before. Very proud of you and what you have allowed God to show forth from you. Love both of you , though the road maybe hard and more valleys then mountain tops yet will I trust in the God of my Salvation.