Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Blood Covenant

A Bible Study on The Blood Covenant

Here is a Bible Study I put together for my Pastor, To be used one on one with a study partner.
The Blood Covenant
A Blood Covenant is one of the most enduring, sacred, holy, solemn and serious agreements, or pact, two parties can ever be involved with. It is also one of the most valuable discoveries any thinking person could find out about in their study of the Bible. The Blood Covenant is based upon the oldest rite known to the Human family.
• Primitive people from the beginning of time practiced blood covenants in some form. They were common among the Indian tribes of America and the custom is still practiced in many parts of the world.
• There are many reasons two Parties would enter into a blood Covenant – and there was no covenant more sacred than this Blood Covenant. Here are some of the reasons:
1. In partnership, it was used to make sure that neither partner will take advantage of the other.
2. Between friends, it is a symbol of Love, Devotion and Loyalty.
3. In primitive times, a weaker tribe would use a blood covenant to insure a stronger tribe would not overtake or destroy them.
All of Gods Dealings with the human race revolved around the Old and New Covenants (or testaments). In this study we will introduce some powerful ideas to help you begin to take advantage of Your Covenant with God.
1. Read Psalm 89 :34 , and answer the questions :
• What will God not violate? __________________
• God will change His mind about what He says. True or False
2. After Adam and Eve fell in the garden, mankind was in a state of separation from God. To remedy this God approached Abraham and offered a Covenant Agreement to him.
Read Genesis 17:1-7 and answer the following questions:
• In Verse 2 , what did God make with Abraham ? _____________________
• In Verse 7, who will God establish this covenant with? _______________ and his _____________________.
• Fill in the blanks of verse 7 “ I will establish my _______________________ as an __________________ covenant between Me and you and your ____________________ after you for the generations to come , to be your _________________ and the God of your descendants after you.”
• If you were a descendant of Abraham, then you could have this same “God” to be a “God” to you also. True or False
3. Read Exodus 2: 23-25
• When the Israelites cried out for help what happened? ___________________________________________________________________________
• What did God remember? _____________________________________________________
4. Read Exodus 6: 1- 8 carefully and thoughtfully. What are 5 things God will do for His covenant people who are in bondage? ____________________________________________________________________
╬ The Covenant between God and Abraham had the seal of circumcision as a sign of “The Blood Covenant”. Abraham and his descendants were to walk perfect before their God. But God knew man could not keep his end of the covenant. The Old Testament had animal sacrifices and ceremonies to cover Israel’s sins and covenant breaking- because they could not keep God’s law. The promise to Abraham was that, through him, all the people of the earth would be blessed. The coming of Jesus was really the aim of the covenant. At the Cross Jesus gave His life for us, and opened up a New Covenant sealed in his Blood. Galatians 5:15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. We become that “new creation” when we receive salvation.
5. Read Luke 22:19-20 and answer: What was poured out for you? __________________________________
• By Jesus Blood, I am included in the New Covenant. True or False (circle)
6. Read Hebrews 8:6-13 and answer the following Questions :
• Which Covenant has better promises? Old or New ( Circle)
• The Old covenant was written on Stone (10 commandments) where does God write our laws? _________________________________
• What does vs. 12 promise us? _________________________________
7. Since we are now armed with the fact that we have a Better covenant that Old Israel did and we see what God did for them, when we face trouble we must (circle one) :
a. Search our covenant promises from the Bible, and Stand strong in Faith for God’s Provision.
b. Call the Pastor to complain.
c. Don’t get our hopes up – It might be God’s will for us to lose.
8. Read these verses and Relate them to Your Covenant with God Through Jesus Blood:
Genesis 26:3
Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you. For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and will confirm the oath I swore to your father Abraham.
Hebrews 6:13
When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.” And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.
• When you write out these verses, realize that God swears to keep His Promise :
Hebrews 13 :5
Philippians 4 : 19
Mark 11 :23-24
Find and write out a Bible Verse that meaningful to you.

Applying a ” Covenant ” mindset to that verse, how does it affect your thinking or understanding? _________________________________________
9. Read Romans 4 :18 -24 and answer the following :
• Abraham had no hope of a son in natural – vs. 19     True or False
• God had made a promise ( covenant) vs. 18                True or False
• vs. 20-21 He did not ____________ through unbelief regarding the _____________ of God, but was strengthened in his _____________ and gave glory to God, being fully ___________________ that God had the power to do what He had _________________________________________________________.
Remember that the reason Abraham was fully persuaded was because of his Covenant with God!
Memory Verse
Acts 3:25 And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’

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