Here is a Bible Study I put together for my Pastor, To be used one on one with a study partner.
The Authority of the Believer
The Apostle Paul prayed a prayer for the Christians in Ephesus asking
God “…that the eyes of their heart be enlightened….that they might know
the incomparably great power for those who believe”. Do we have “Power”
that we are not using? Do we have an “authority” that we don’t know
about? Can we take charge of the circumstances we face in this life? And
further, what part do we play in receiving Gods best for us now? This
exciting Bible Study will give us the answers.
1. Read the prayer in Ephesians 1: 17-23 and answer these questions:
In vs. 19 what belongs to us? _________________________________________________________
Where is Christ seated in vs. 20 _______________________________________________________
Name the 5 things that vs. 21 says Jesus is far above_____________________________________
Vs. 22 states the Jesus is appointed head over everything for the _________________.
Vs. 23 says the Church is His ________________. We are the Church. True or False ?
2. Read Ephesians 2:4-6. As the Body of Christ where are you seated?
3. Luke 10:19 tells us that Jesus has given you _______________ to overcome all the _______________ of the enemy.
╬ As the Body of Christ, seated with Jesus in his heavenly
position (eph.2:6), you, the child of God have Authority over all the
power of the enemy!
4. Read Ephesians 6:12 and answer the following questions.
a. Who is our enemy? _______________________________________________________________
b. We struggle with flesh and blood people in our Christian walk. True or False ?
c. Ephesians 6:10 tells us to be strong in ______________ and in His mighty ________________.
╬ Authority is Delegated Power. Policemen who direct traffic during
rush hour just raise a hand, and the cars stop. These men don’t have
the physical power to stop a vehicle, but they are not relying on their
own strength to stop the traffic. They are strong in the Authority that
is invested in them by the government they serve. Likewise, the value of
our Authority rests on the power that is behind it also. God Himself is
the power behind our authority! The devil and his forces are obliged to
recognize our authority! What does this mean to you? Discuss.
5. Satan is a defeated enemy. When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, He totally defeated the devil.
• Read 1 John 3:8
What was Jesus ‘main purpose in coming to earth? ___________________________________
• Read Colossians 2:15
What did Jesus do to Satan and his team? ___________________________________________
• Read Mark 16:17
Jesus gave us authority in His name. What did He tell us to
do in His name concerning the devil and demons?
Who has authority to cast out devils? _____________________________________________
• Read 1 John 4:4
God lives inside of you. What does this verse say about God
inside of you and the devil in the world?
6. Since we are now armed with this truth from the Bible concerning
Satan’s defeat and the Authority of the Believer, we must (circle one)
a. Pray to God to fight the Devil.
b. Call the Pastor to pray away our temptations and attacks.
c. Take the Name of Jesus and command the devil and his works and leave us now!
7. Read 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5.
What type of weapons do we have? ________________________________________________
What do our weapons do? _______________________________strongholds
_______________________________every thought
╬ We can see from 2 Cor. 10:4, 5 that much of our enemy’s attack is
aimed at our minds: in thoughts, arguments against the knowledge of God,
and eventually strongholds. It is important that we spend time thinking
upon God’s Word and do not allow the devil any foothold in our thought
Write out Ephesians 4:27 ________________________________________________.
8. Our opponent seeks to rob us of our faith in God’s Word. What kind of
fight are we called to?
(1 Timothy 6:12)
9. “All authority in heaven and on earth” (Matt 28:18) was given to
Jesus Christ, and belongs to us through Him. We help Him carry out his
work upon the earth “In His Name”. But we must act upon our authority
and exercise it.
a. James 4:7
What two things are we told to do? ______________________________________________
What will the devil do? _________________________________________________________
b. 1 Peter 5:8-10
What are we told to do in vs. 8 and 9? ___________________________________________
What will God do? vs. 10______________________________________________________
c. Matthew 4:1-11
What three words did Jesus use to resist the devil? ________________________________
What did Jesus quote after He said “It is written” __________________________________
How does this apply to you? Discuss.
10. Read Matthew 18:18 and answer the questions.
a. The power of “Binding & Loosing” belongs to me. True or False?
b. When I bind or loose on earth, God will back me up. True or False ?
╬ Heaven will back us, according to what we bind or refuse to allow
on earth. We (the Church) have allowed a lot of things to continue,
because we haven’t exercised our Authority. We haven’t done anything
about the situation. We are waiting on God, and He won’t do anything
until we act. This shows our authority. This explains much of the evil
going on in the world today. Discuss.
11. Exercising You Authority in Christ:
• Draw near to God. If there is any sin in your life, what should you
do? _________________________________________________________1 John 1:9
• Use your authority in Prayer. For example:
“In the Name of Jesus, I Command you Satan and all your demons to
STOP in all maneuvers against me in the area(s) of
List the specific area(s), i.e., finances, guilt, sickness, temptation, etc.
• Look up Scriptures that relate to your situation. Begin to meditate
on those verses and speak them with Authority as Jesus did. He said
“It is written”. The Word of God is your offensive weapon called a
______________________________ (Ephesians 6:17).